Introducing WebGUI 2.0

Build beautiful, web-based design apps.

No JavaScript required.  

With this new library, you can create a web-based user interface for any ParaPy application using just Python code. No JavaScript required.

This release is another step in the ParaPy platform to empower engineers to focus on capturing the rules and knowledge of their designs while producing and sharing enterprise-ready design applications without distractions.

Using the ParaPy WebGUI package, you can achieve what would typically require a team of back-end and front-end developers.

The WebGUI package allows you to securely deploy ParaPy applications in the cloud both to users inside your organization and even to outside customers.

With minimal coding, you have full control over layout, style, content, and the dynamic behavior of your user interface. You can find more examples of this further down the newsletter.

Obviously, we don’t stop there. Developed using the popular React framework, the frontend code is available as a Javascript SDK in itself. It offers front-end developers the opportunity to add highly custom interactions or embed (parts of) the ParaPy user interface in a larger enterprise application.

Cool features:

1. Panel and widget libraries

The interface can be divided into multiple panels, for which the library contains a set of customizable templates, such as an expandable tree viewer, wizard, and 3D viewer. Within the wizard panel, shown on the right, you can place widgets ranging from file upload dialogs to sliders, dropdowns, and checkboxes.

This library is rapidly growing. Don’t hesitate to suggest panels and widgets to us, as we are eager to develop new ideas.

Configuring the layout of your UI is as easy as specifying a single Python object: 

2. Steps

You can add steps to your application and create separate environments for each phase of your design process. Define panels for each step with their own standard views, wizards, and work areas. 

3. Authentication and authorization

The WebGUI integrates with the authentication and authorization services provided by Microsoft Azure and Auth0.

You can set up WebGUI authentication by providing an authentication object in the GUI’s configuration file (JSON format) along with a dictionary containing your custom settings.

4. Custom styling

In the image below, you can see an example of how you can style the web interface to meet your company’s brand style. You can do so with our different themes or if you want to take it a step further, you can specify your own Material UI theme or custom CSS file.

4. Full-blown CAD kernel with client-side rendering

Visualize your generated CAD models and analysis results in our 3D viewer. Create dynamic interactions with your model, e.g. object selection, context menus, or do shape manipulations.

We can’t decide what’s better, engineering the helicopter below or being in it! 

Can’t wait to get started? Install the WebGUI 2.0:

Easy peasy:

$ pip install parapy_lib_webgui


Can’t wait to get started? You can find examples in your client portal. Want to learn more? Have any questions? Never hesitate to contact us.